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113% Sales Increase In Competitive Category


How A Million-Dollar Amazon Seller Reached New Heights

Account stats before outsourcing to eStore Factory:
  • PPC sales: 119,793.92
  • PPC ACOS: 27.94%
  • Total orders received: 19242
  • Total sales: 322,098.54
  Account stats after outsourcing to eStore Factory:
  • PPC sales: 135,875.66
  • PPC ACOS: 23.27%
  • Total orders received: 24230
  • Total sales: 389,195.00
  Here’s everything we did to get the results:
  • Taking a deeper dive into the competitor’s listings that were capturing the market. This helped us understand where our product lags
  • Thorough research of our product catalog helped us identify the key aspects that needed to be improved. We realized that there was a drop in visibility and conversion which were accompanied by underwhelming sales
  • We launched multiple campaigns targeting all the profitable keywords. The list of keywords was collected after careful consideration from popular keyword tools like Merchant Words and Helium10
  • Weekly review of search terms and helped us scale the bids and optimize the campaigns on the basis of profitability
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